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Lancaster City Housing Authority is a Housing-Related Hazard awardee. 

Press Release

Lancaster City Housing Authority, situated in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is delighted to announce its receipt of a substantial grant totaling $4,425,760 as a Housing-Related Hazard awardee.

In a press release issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the organization unveiled the Capital Fund Housing Related Hazards (HRH) and Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Capital Fund Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Awards. These awards, amounting to $157 million in grants, have been bestowed upon 74 recipients, including public housing agencies (PHAs) and public funding agencies. The primary objective of these grants is to support these agencies in their endeavors to assess and mitigate potential health hazards in public housing, encompassing lead-based paint, mold, radon, fire safety, asbestos, and even carbon monoxide.

These funds will enable the Lancaster City Housing Authority to align itself with the National Standards for Physical Inspection of Real Estate within Central Pennsylvania, says Barbara Ellis Wilson, Executive Director of the organization. She continued, “This grant marks an exciting and transformative moment for the Lancaster City Housing Authority. It underscores our commitment to providing secure and affordable housing to the Lancaster community. We are determined to allocate these grant resources effectively to eliminate the mold problems that have existed for many years at our family sites, namely Franklin Terrace with 124 units operational since 1967 and Susquehanna Court with 75 units operational since 1965. The award of these funds from HUD will provide us with the means to completely rehabilitate the bathrooms in these homes. I want to express my gratitude to my team for putting together a phenomenal grant application”.

For further information, you can access the press release published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development at www.hud.gov/press_releases/. This release contains a comprehensive list of all the recipients of this $157 million grant and offers insights into the mission of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.